Tanner Hill Workshop Zoom Talk
Title: 10 Things Journalists Don’t Want You to Know About Hong Kong
Date – 10 June 2023, 10am to 12noon
(N America W coast 9 June 2023, 6 to 8pm)
Venue – Tanner Hill 5/fl Music Room
Speaker – Nury Vittachi
Moderator – Philip Leung
About the speaker – Nury Vittachi is one of Asia’s best-known writers. He is editor of Fridayeveryday, a social media news company with 50,000 followers and two million YouTube views.
He is the author of more than 50 books, from non-fiction to detective novels, many issued by major publishing houses in several languages.
He rose to fame writing the “Lai See” column in the South China Morning Post, the “Travellers’ Tales” column in the Far Eastern Economic Review, and was the resident humorist at Reader’s Digest for many years.
Born in Sri Lanka, he is married to an Englishwoman, and they have three adopted Chinese children.
Synopsis – All sorts of interesting things, political or non-political, are happening under the surface, reveals reporter Nury Vittachi, whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Time magazine and dozens of other international publications.
Youtube Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vZE8pDYlbA
報名: WhatsApp +852 90436468, or email to [email protected]
雋悅工作室www.tannerhillworkshop.org 是由香港及移居海外港人組成,從修身治國評天下出發,為香港帶來正能量。我們經常討論有正能量的好主意。我們定期舉辦講座,邀請各界專業人士分享。內容由探討傳統文明精粹、時代社經要事至分享各自人生閱歷,以誠共用,拓展視野,回饋社會。