
追思 Albert Wong 黄伯偉教授

Let the memory of Albert be with us forever.

Dr. Albert Wong spoke to The Tanner Hill Workshop on March 13 2021 on Modernisation of Chinese Medicine. Passed away on April 22, 2021 in Hong Kong

Albert was a loving husband, brother, uncle, friend and teacher. He was passionate about Chinese medicine and made it his lifelong mission to help others.

Albert is survived by his wife Candice, sister Helene (spouse Wallace), sister Caroline, brother Benoit (spouse Caroline), brother Daniel (spouse Christina), brother Pierre-Yves (spouse Mary), his sister-in-law Gail and his nephews and nieces Sandra, Steven, Jennifer, Michele, Nicole, Renee, Charles, Sandrine, Olivier, Gilbert, Clifford, Perry, Jason, Lawrence, and their families.

We will remember him forever.

On 24 April 2021, members of The Tanner Hill Workshop expressed their loss upon Albert’s death. Firstly, Arthur Yeung, Albert Wong’s close friend and business partner gave an account of events followed by an online mini memorial concert
Performers as follows:

王薇 中国国家交响乐团女高音歌唱家。王薇.jpeg王薇.jpeg (150.3 KiB) 已瀏覽 226 次

石濟民 中山大學數學畢業 前香港城市大學數學系教授 熱愛音樂 現香港音樂沙龍會長

關文珊 熱愛音樂歌唱者

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